Me: . Is the indie kid without the indie pretentiousness. I'm the Aussie wannabe that tries too hard. Loves medicine and believes that it is a vocation, but is still ridiculously excited at the prospect of having a Real Job. Christian. Loves books and philosophical discussions conducted too late at night. Loves soft morning light and dusk. Obsessed with indie blogs, photography, knitting, music, 50s fashion and cats. Collects bird-themed brooches, expensive stationery and red lipstick. Dislikes cringe moments, raisins and being cold. Hello.

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layout : drivefaraway
icon : violetbirdy
Monday, April 25, 2011 @ 4:40 pm | comment (0)

Why, if our time on earth could be
spent as laurel, its green darker than
all others, its leaves edged with
little waves (like the smile of a wind)--: then why do we
have to be human--and, avoiding destiny,
long for destiny? . . .

Oh not because happiness is,
that rash profit taken just prior to oncoming loss,
not out of curiosity, or to give practice to the heart,
reasons which would hold for the laurel too. . . . .

But because being here is so much, and everything
seems to need us in this fleeting world, and
strangely speaks to us. Us, the most fleeting. Once
for everything, only once. Once and no more. And we, too,
only once. Never again. But to have been here,
this once, if only this once:
to have been of the earth seems irrevocable.

- Rilke, Ninth Elegy.

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